Over the weekend I played with my newest present to myself (not given to me by a cat). I noticed I hadn’t written in my COVID19 journal. No, I don’t have it. I started it on March 22nd. At that time I wrote in my erasable gels. I was steady with it Faithfully documenting what I saw on the news and how it was for our household. I got all the way to April 4th with a very short boring entry. Then I started up again on May 16th. I was able to test each of the pens and I wrote as much as I could about how things are now.

This is a cool set. I can’t wait to try them out on my coloring projects. Even so, they write smoothly and I love all the colors.


Here is the Amazon site I got them from 100 Pack 

Just talking about them is making my fingers itch, so I think I’ll stop here to go write an entry in that journal.

By the way, I was happy to get to be a part of the writers’ group tonight so that means it must have been Monday.

Why is Monday still hard? I haven’t worked for years. Yet I’m always tired and disoriented on Mondays. Has anyone else had that problem? How did you solve it? Anyway, I hope you are all staying safe and healthy.