Another productive day of editing.



And to reward myself I spent the day catching up with Outlander the fifth season. This is the book I have read. I am still reading the next one. The books get longer and longer.


I have to say I love the television version better. The longer the books are getting the less I’m finding engaging.

I must admit that in the last few days I’ve been floundering for something good to watch. When that happens I watch things I don’t care about but take the place of noise as I edit or knit. The Originals is one of those shows.


Riverdale gave a healthy way to grieve Archie’s father, Luke Perry having passed in actuality. It was different.



We did finish Colony. Why did it end?!!! The last bit made us want more of the real story and real aliens we can see.


And Big Little Lies is interesting I love all the actresses and the way the story is developing.



What have you been watching?