Where has this day gone? I know I did a bit of knitting. I looked at my CampNaNo book from last month but never did any editing. I did add a prompt to work on tomorrow.

Oh, yeah I spent the day doing laundry. I still have one more basket to fold. Well, that’s exciting. Okay. I am grateful to have clothes, washer, and dryer. detergent and all. I am. Just tired.

It was a nicer day today (70) and tomorrow should be even warmer (72). We don’t have to drip the faucets. Another thing to be grateful for. I was glancing at photos from last year at this time and we had snow on the 21st.  This whole winter was far less snow but way colder temps that just seemed like they’d never give up. Maybe we are on a warming trend. Please no 100s.

Okay. I know it was Sunday as we did the Zoomie church (UU) and CBS Sunday Morning. But no John Oliver to round it out.

I got on a kick and decided to watch Battlestar Galactic from the very beginning to see if I could get it this time.  So season one from– I think–the seventies. Wow! The hairdos! I found the first season on SyFy the app. It seems like we were growing as a people. Though this is heavy in males, and the women were arm candy or mothers or both, at least the arm candy mothers were becoming pilots of the fighters.

I do love the shiny hair! And the boy and the dog robot. Oh, and heard the first FRACK!

May you have a nice Memorial Day tomorrow if you celebrate it where you are.