In answer to What Day Is It Anyway comes Stream of Consciousness Saturday.

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “spay/splay/spray.” Use one, use two, use ’em all, it’s up to you. Have fun!

I think we live in Pet Sematary. Remember poor dead rooster? The one that the neighbor dug a grave for and buried? Yeah, rooster and his look-a-like hen were in the chicken coop this morning. They look a little worse for wear, but they are up and free-ranging, waiting for crusts of my breakfast toast. Not a lot of crowing going on. The growl wasn’t of a zombie rooster but his normal weird growl that I think is suppose to scare predators.

Anyone hearing Twilight Zone or The Walking Dead music?

Speaking of the outside menagerie, When we moved here an orange cat came with the home. We couldn’t get too close. I don’t know if she was he or she. But without the bumps under the tail that our other ginger had before he was neutered, we had a neutered male, who we named Jasper. But if indeed she was she there would need to be a spay. On the stray. We finally decided she was she for lack of feline spraying. So we named her Jasmine.  Though we fed her. We never could get near enough to try to take her to a vet.

Five years ago Jasmine looked pretty healthy even though an outdoor feral. She didn’t wander too far from home and never seemed to bring home kittens. Suddenly this year a little gray cat/older kitten showed up on the back porch. Cutest thing ever! Much more friendly than Jasmine. Does tricks on the porch rails and curls all over you if you extend your hand. We’ve named this one Smokey. Again we assume this one is female. This one we may be able to capture and take in for spaying.

Meanwhile, it’s been over a month since we saw Jasmine. And the last few times I saw her she was in the sun but looking so old and tired. I so wish we could have made her more comfortable. Then we didn’t see her anymore. Is Smokey hers? I don’t know. My brother thinks they have similar faces. But I don’t see it. Smokey is longer fur and such a different kind of personality. So when quarantine is lifted we will have to get her spayed. I hope that by that time we will feel comfortable letting her stay inside for the winter. I can see it now all three cats and  Kali splayed out on my bed. I may never be able to get under my own covers! I wish I had a picture of her but I found this on that looks a lot like Smokey.

The rest of–hey! It’s still Saturday! We celebrated number three son’s birthday by Zoom today. During that time all three offspring on the screen received alerts on their cells about rioting and calls for curfew in Reno. Wow! The tropes of the disaster movies flew through my brain. Luckily everyone I knew was already home and safe. Weird life in the days of #WhatDayIsItAnyway?