Have you had those kinds of days where what can go wrong isn’t what does go wrong, despite your best efforts to laugh it away?

Sunday is usually the ‘refresh’ day.  But Zoom needed an update and the sound of the UU meet was horrid. Trying to fix that I pulled out my Bluetooth headset. Well, it seemed to grab everything but the laptop. And then the Fire tried to grab the phone. Then the phone made a call to my hubby with the name Chloe. What???? It was MY phone and number he received! And to top that I had to charge each of the tech items. So there were wires everywhere and I was stuck in the chair with all that on my lap.

Picture this with gray hair and a recliner instead of a desk:


The day didn’t ever reach a calm so I think I will leave you laughing at this to keep from crying like me. I need to knit!

Hope your day was better.

I’m sure tomorrow will be another day!