Hours and hours ago I remember watching CBS Sunday Morning after lunch. It was one of those no sleeping nights so it was a late wake-up. And a day with a nice nap.

It was cold last night. We had to drip the faucets to keep them from freezing. Tonight the same. I’d believe it was mid-winter. Especially as the hail chose to fall at about the same time as yesterday’s noisy downfall. The wind had been horrid for days. Okay. I guess I am complaining. Sorry. I just hate using the heater and wearing socks when the calendar says June.

On the other hand, It is barely dark at 10:30. Here’s are a couple of pictures of how light it was at 9PM:

The pictures are very blurry because I had to stand out in the cold to snap these. But you get the idea. The sun didn’t set for another half hour! I guess I am surprised. This is the furthest north I have lived and some things still catch me off-guard.

I remember nearly two decades ago my husband, still, a boyfriend and I took a cruise to Alaska in June. It was cool that it was still daylight at midnight. Darkness didn’t stay past 3AM. Here I get up at 4:30 and I can see my way to the bathroom without feeling my way there or even a lit cell-phone. So here Summer is screaming that she wants to stay up late. But Winter is freezing us out for those hours. My bare feet are crying inside socks. Nice socks, I made myself. But socks!

Okay, there’s the day and time covered with lots of griping in-between. On the plus side, the stomach problems from a couple days ago? Turned out to be just normal stomach problems. The lack of sleep last night wasn’t COVID19 related. It would have happened any time before. I finished Outlander Book 7 and downloaded Book 8 (review coming soon). I also tried to download a library audiobook of the Stand but for some reason, my Fire and the old tablet didn’t do well. And who knew that if you are listening to a book while playing games can be dangerous? At every level a new commercial would come on, interrupting the story and nearly blowing out my eardrums. Sorry. Another gripe. Needless to say, I won’t be playing those games while listening. So even while claiming the good I still found a way to find the bad. The take away here, Lack of sleep was just lack of sleep.