I have to admit that most of the day I felt like it was Saturday again. And the computer acted up. Am I the only one that keeps multiple windows open with lots of tabs on each window? I have one for YouTube tutorials and patterns, one of social-media like Facebook and Tumblr and Twitter, and one with email and blogs. So all that disappeared and I had to reset it all up.

That done it was time to edit more of last month’s book.

Then I wrote for the prompt for Writer’s Group. I do like meeting with the group and seeing how they are doing and what they come up with on the prompts. Oh, and that means it was actually Monday! Ha! I do know!

Do those of you that do Duolingo find there are days you do the bare minimum and other days you can’t get enough? Tonight I read a lot of the stories. I’m back to playing with Japanese, French, Esperanto, and still working with Spanish and German.

Oops, I still didn’t write my review. I don’t know if I have the chops for it tonight. I’d rather knit a while before bed. Tomorrow.