Hey, look. I’m here at nine and the computer is working properly. I don’t know why it gets so glitchy the closer to midnight it gets.

Most of the day I listened to the audio of The Stand. It is interesting to see the story in depth. The characters still remain the ones on the older series. Molly Ringwold, etc. I do understand the crazier ones through the book. Yet I am only at 68%. Five more days until it is due to go back to the library.

Meanwhile, I’m following this tutorial to make myself some scrubby washrags.


No, I haven’t received my flex-skinny yet. I’m using my old broken Hers of the KB His Hers sock loom. I like how they feel in my hands. I’m working on two other pairs of socks, two hats, and a couple toys. I do what hurts my hands least.

I still haven’t gotten my crafty things done or the socks to my daughter and her beau.

Oh, before I started reading my hubby and I watch Ad Astra. I think I would have liked the book better. Another sci-fi for the guys.

Still, it was fun to watch it together.

It was a gorgeous day here. Just right. Just enough breeze to ripple the flag. Kali and I enjoyed ‘outside’ just standing or sitting and feeling free.

CBS Sunday Morning was touching. As was the UU Zoom meeting. I’m rather sad that Sunday is nearly over.

Wow! Look at that! A whole blog without the frustration of my computer being slower than snail mail!

I hope you all had a good day. Find your quiet zen moments if you can. And