
But it wasn’t apparent at first. It was after lunch when we realized the trash hadn’t made it out to the curb. Oops!

Anyway, I had to share the daughter and boyfriend’s socks on their feet.

From this, you can see what a cute couple they are!

But the current finished project was this pair of slipper socks. They are headed to the charity, Hat Huggers.

There was enough yarn leftover that I have started a smaller pair of anklet slippers. I hope I have enough to finish that project.

I took pics of the Flexeeloom as I am making a hat for an adult. I know it seems weird to have a loom that wriggles around, but it is light and sturdy and I love working with it. Working the two-by-two ribbing is tedious on most looms and can actually hurt my hands. This loom is like working with butter.

As you can see I can wad it up or stretch it out and the stitches stay on the pegs and the work is fast and easy. Here is where I left off today.

This is the underside.

This is from the top.

Oh, look at the time! It is nearly tomorrow! S0 this concludes #WDIIA and #WTIIA Friday edition.