I didn’t have a picture nearby but the ball sits with me. That starts my stream of consciousness. Beach ball. Summer. It is still in the 80s, I’m sure at this time. The bugs will invade within the hour as they have been for the past few evenings. Ugh! The bugs make me wish for snow!

Summer used to be my favorite season. That was when I could go to the beach or pool to swim. I love being in the water. I wasn’t a beach bunny that liked to be out on the sand getting a tan. If I could I would be swimming. Diving down to the bottom. Swimming on the bottom as long as my breath would last. I even remember having tea parties on the pool floor. Just thinking all this is helping my body temperature lessen.

Walking on the sand at the beach. The delightful cool wet sand after the heated sand that seemed to release muscle aches but then started burning the soles of my feet. The water lapping up to my feet with foam and sometimes seaweed. The sand leaving from under my toes as if it were alive. The cold water nearly causing pain, definitely causing me to screech. And then I would hear the transistor radio of someone on shore my favorite summer song. I knew it was summer when I heard it.

My next to favorite song that reaffirms summer is:

Thank you for helping me cool off and remember my favorite memories of summer past. Maybe sometime we will be able to enjoy all that again. Meanwhile. memories will have to do the job.


2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/


Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “song.” First, find a picture–the closest one to you. Your prompt is the title and/or the lyrics of the first song that comes to mind when you look at the picture. Have fun!