Nothing good can happen until you get through the wrapper. At least Wednesday has that one-liner ease to get you over the hump. But Tuesday makes you work at it!

Still, we managed. I started watching season three of Outlander.

Until the male grumblings around me. So I decided to get us all watching Mandalorian. I have to admit to being bored most of the time. I like the Star part of this series. I hate the War part. And this was 99% male. Ugh! Mid-series, they added a woman and a girl and a few more females. But I was so not into it by then. I am happy to see Bryce is one of the directors and her episode was great. But not worth keeping Disney Plus.


I guess I need to take the stab at reviewing the only reason we decided to try. Hamilton. Sorry, everyone who loved this. To me, the most boring musical ever written. I just quit halfway through. It did seem the same ennui I felt trying to read the biography. Bloviating males. very few females. Disney knows nothing, John Snow knew more!

Please don’t write to me about how wrong you think I am. I’m being honest. I did my best to like these two shows but I found myself getting up and washing dishes or taking a walk outside. I want depth and I want to have my imagination working with the show. Outlander, even on my third watching of the Netflix three seasons still holds my imagination. My what-ifs keep going long after the show. How would I write it? How did the author decide to do that? What if the director had filmed it this way? And the music flows with me long after I turn it off.

Meanwhile, hat number two is nearly halfway done.

So that was Tuesday, answering the ‘What Day Is It Anyway?’ question. #WDIIA