Though I lost the day and forgot what day it was many times today, I am happy to report that Trash Day and Friendship Zoom Day brought me back. I was beginning to wonder as the garbage truck usually gets here before eleven. And since we lost track of days last week there were a lot of bags out there. Thank goodness it was just later than usual.

Okay, good. It is Friday.

Zooming with friends is the best, isn’t it? I think we laughed so much that we made up for all the horrid stuff going on lately. Hours and hours! And near the end, a bright surprise. My son called.

Don’t you love talking to offspring that are grown up and make you so proud to know them? Well, I do.

So that answers the question, What Day Is It Anyway? But who can tell? Just about the time you think you know it isn’t what you thought. #WDIIA