After a full day of playing with a random number generator to pick characteristics from my favorite NaNoWriMo book Building Believable Characters by Marc McCutcheon

I have now build Kate into a character that is nearly breathing. I put the characteristics into Google and this is who they thought matched.

Babs or Cher, much younger. Kate is 25. And a bit chunkier though nowhere near fat. It is fun to play the random number game when trying to make a person. I am trying to do a character a day. Liz, April, and Kate are the main three from the first section of the book.

Violet popped up in the second section and I love her spirit but have no idea what she looks like. I need to work or her next. I’m thinking she is about 16 years old. Just discovering who she is and she is about to get huge!

Word count blossomed without any fuss today. 9,381 Today’s goal was to be 8335, so… I’m jazzed. Nothing like playing in another world while the one you live in is so full of angst!