2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “the last thing you put in your fridge.” Start your post with the last thing you put in your fridge. Let your mind wander from there. Enjoy!

The last thing I put in my fridge was the ranch dressing that fell out because the last person who put it in didn’t make sure it was in there securely. I wanted to complain, but I am very grateful for a full fridge. We have been blessed this month with a little extra on our cards, and so when we got the boxes, the cabinets and fridge are full. In my life, that has hardly ever been the case. Not that I have ever been hungry. But just enough that I can find what I need in the fridge is the usual scene. I am so glad my husband is starting to like my vegetarian ways. Yes, he eats some meat but very seldom. My son does the same thing buying the occasional tofu meal. He loves Kimchi. I tried to cook it a lot once I learned about it. I make the rice and veggies on the side and make sure to fry the tofu to crispie-ish. The trouble with the lockdown is that we don’t get into town to find the Kimchi. I think I will try to order some on Amazon.

Yay! Got me some Kimchi, noodles, a cooker, and tofu coming. My mouth is drooling!

Okay, now for the NaNo word count: 35,167, still barely above the goal of 35,007 but, I’m happy. I like how the story is going. Not sure I should share until I am more sure where it is going. I’m having fun. That’s all that counts.

I didn’t have a finished product yesterday for Finished Friday. I had one slipper sock done, and while chatting with my friends, I nearly finished the other. Boom! Done today!

And I have the next pair toed and ready to make the next pair.