Last of the word count: WriteItNow reported to me that I had 80,129. I know I started with 25K from my CampNaNo experience in March. NaNoWriMo gives the goal of 50K. My goal then was 75K.  I increased my yWriter by finding the missing chapters and scenes and my RTF in Word, where I found others missing from the other two programs. I think as I go through the edit and fixing yWriter7 problems, I will find the missing bits. Once I have everything moved from the unstable (for me) to Scrivener and a new Word file, I will feel this book complete. It is weird to think, ‘Did I write a scene with … or was it a dream?’ And then to find it again is like Christmas!

I will continue today’s writing as I have a scene that is dancing in my head. Then I will start that scene by scene editing and possible rewriting. I am not tired of this story or the characters. I hope someday others might like it. My first four chapters of the first book, Haven, can be found here. The whole book is here. I was a new writer, but the characters and the sentient planet have been my life for nearly two decades!

