I have four socks on my CinDWood X loom. All inches from the heel, then cuffs. I like working in pairs like this. The yarn is soft. I had worked to nearly this point when I realized that they would be too large. I frogged them all and restarted.

These half-fingered convertible gloves have been sitting here as I was stuck. I asked the creator of the pattern and tutorial, Scarlett Royal, what to do next, but I guess she’s busy with all that’s going on right now. So I did a little research and figured the decrease wasn’t a wrap and turn but a moving one loop to the next peg and knit over. I figure that row by row decrease is to create an edge to sew up around the wrist area. Then the cuff follows. I’ll add the tutorials at the bottom.


By the way, I’m using the KB Hers loom rather than the CinDwood as they have the same amount of pegs and I can work in pairs.

In the next tutorial is the way to do the decreases. I did make a pair of gloves from this tutorial for my husband a couple years ago. I used the same yarn and they turned out very nice. I can’t seem to find a picture.