The looms and needles are busy. This pair of socks I considered my bedroom hobby. If the house was too cold, I could still have something to knit in the warm bedroom. Starting in the same place, same colorway, these two socks are so different. Still, I like the colors. I’m bringing them into the living room because I suddenly find myself drawn to them.

The CinDWood X(WING) loom is down a sock. So I am only featuring three arms of socks.

Here are the finished sock and its mate.

I think these will be my brother’s birthday present. I wish they fit me because they are so soft. But lucky for him, I think they will suit him. I’ll probably have the mate finished tomorrow.


Here are the triple frogged circular needle sock trials. The pink yarn is the provisional cast-on. The red metal thing is the needle holder. I love that little invention. On the cables are two toes. I think that frogging is coming up again as I can’t seem to manage that silly transfer that needs to be done. I shared the YouTube a couple days ago by VeryPink Knits; just look up 2 at a time toe up magic loop to learn how to do this before me. LOL! I don’t mind frogging once again to get the hang of it all the way through. That little bit below took me several days the first time. Finally, I can make a mistake within hours! ;-D


These last two socks I’m playing yarn chicken with. The purple/pink yarn is nearly out, so I mix it up with the blue/green. I kind of like the combo as it reminds me of a sunset over the water. The blue is for the heel and the cuff. There may be enough to make another pair of blue/green socks.

What are you making these days?