I’m nearly finished with a pair of reversed socks. The combo is the opposite of the pair I finished a few days ago.

I just need to finish the cuffs. That’ll be done tomorrow, I’m sure.

This was yarn from China that I bought just before the lockdown. The labels are in Chinese except for the word Bamboo. Four skeins equal four socks. I made them on KB Flexee fine-gauge looms of 40 pegs each. I started with the Kitchener cast-on, German short-row toes, and heels. Most of the rest of the sock was the flat-knit stitch. The cuff is two-by-two knit and purl rib-stitch. Extra stretchy bind-off finishes the sock.

I am nearly finished with one other thing, and I will probably finish before I go to bed, The Walking Dead volume 15. I’ll post my review on Sunday. Notice how I left Saturday open for the usual Stream of Consciousness?

By the way, I love Fridays because I get to Zoom with my BFFs! The exciting part is two of us four have gotten their vaccines (first shots). No, our little community is still waiting for the shots to arrive.

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Are the best!