The Walking Dead, Vol. 15: We Find Ourselves (The Walking Dead #85-90)The Walking Dead, Vol. 15: We Find Ourselves by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I wish I had read the graphic novels first. Then I could have said how wonderful the scriptwriters had great ideas in changing things around a bit to make the series last longer. If you saw the bit when Carl recuperates from having his eye shot out, that is where this issue is. But things are more centered on Rick and trying to bring out his softer sides and explore the nearby areas.

When you have seen the show first, this seems weird, but I think I would have liked to see a little less insanity and a little more sadness about the losses he and his friends have experienced.

But either way, the story goes, it must be remembered this is a post-apocalyptic time, and survival is the key. It is impossible to know who are good guys or who are the bad as they all think they are the good guys. It is how we all think. But actions show the people for the camp they are in. That is why I love reading and watching these shows. I think Robert Kirkman and the scriptwriters reveal the humanity and give us all guidelines to remaining humane. I think these are good stories for our present world.

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