Yikes! It’s getting late!

My tada isn’t yet another sock.

In fact, I don’t know how to show this in picture form.

I spent most of the day working on my NaNo novel from November. Camp NaNo is coming up, and I either want to write more on this story or get another outlined to write. I mostly edited and got q few scenes checked. I can see there are some big picture things to get right, but I have a hard time if the grammar and spelling are messed up. So I clean the smaller messes to see the big picture. Does that make any sense? The trees are getting in the way of the forest! So If I can get most of the trees out of the way within a week, I will rearrange the forest. That will help me know where to go next.


Meanwhile, I found a station on Pandora called Classical study time or some such that plays politely in the background. Although I get irritated when I hear Claire De Lune, Moonlight Sonata, and Für Elise played repeatedly. I like them all, just need to hear other things. And since they used to be in my piano repertory, I get distracted and want to play the piano. Music for a background is always more distracting than television. Good old reruns of favorite shows can go on for hours without my getting involved. Do other musicians or music majors have this problem?


I did start a mohair hat. It is a soft pinkish-orange. When I finished the socks, I couldn’t leave the Flexee looms sitting there without something on them—another obsession.

ta da