Hello from CampNaNoWriMo!

How did I get here and why do I do it? Have you found yourself unable to quit something? I started writing a NaNo my first novel written in 30 days in which you should write 50,000 words, starting in November of 2001, post 9/11/2001. I was on the train commuting to work in Irvine, CA. I remember feeling deep sorrow and the thought, If only there was a peaceful planet out there, or some such wish. I couldn’t finish in November as we were getting ready to move. I did continue with the story between the Ides of March to the Ides of April. That planet gave me the name: Haven. This many years later I am still writing on the series that has taken over my life. I can’t even count how many novels I have worked on. I think it is about 15 now. As in the beginning I may start something in November, writing my heart out, mostly reaching the 50K but rarely do I reach the words ‘The End’. Spring brings me back to finish or edit. None of the books are ready for others to read. I may be great at throwing out the words and enjoying the story as it is revealed to me. Editing is not my specialty.

Having once again to be pulled in, this time with Pandamapocalypse that I wrote in 2020, is my Camp NaNo project. I am editing what I’ve written. Then my goal is to find ‘The End’ before the end of April. As of today I have edited through 20,360 words. I am getting to the part of writing near the end of November. The plot is missing nearly entirely and the words are mostly written for prompts. So a new outline is needed and figuring out where things go, then rewriting to give it all a cohesive feel. My heroes are doing their best to jump through the plot holes but I need to help them. I hope Haven gives me a hand as it is horrid hanging out in this writer’s hell. Soon I will join NaNoFinMo to learn hints to finish my novel.


Meanwhile, Hello and have a happy weekend!
