I don’t know the difference between Streaming my Consciousness and blogging within the alphabet. I stream here because I am bad at keeping a journal by hand. Having these wonderful prompts moves me out of the ‘Dear Diary: today I breathed in an out’ syndrome. 

Iceland, Ireland, Italy, all ‘I’ words I would love to see. Would northern Italy look any different than Iceland or Ireland? I bet they are all cold and snowy. Inland in the Outback of Oregon, it is cold again. Instead of going for mile long walks I sat here idle and shivering. Ugh!

If I don’t make this a short blog, I won’t get to the editing. And that is the only way I get to play my game as a reward. It took me three nights to finish Ravenhearst. Now I am playing Love Story — Beach Cottage. The game is the inspiration for doing the icky editing. 

In case you were wondering what I was doing with the rest of my day, knitting and watching shows with my husband. I’ll show you the pics in a couple days when the items are more identifiable. I’m trying a new toy and still working on tons of socks, okay, maybe a couple pairs.

I am indifferent about a lot of things in the moment, especially the weather. But the way, my brother has been hitting the sagebrush out in our yard, I may be in love with our new patch of sand. That stuff had taken over during this past year making our place very vulnerable to fire. And the season is already starting.

best bro ever

Time to get off the blog and hit a few moments of editing so I can play before sleep. Ironic? Not so much. I just wanted to use the word.


Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “difference.” Whatever the word “difference” conjures first in your mind, write about it. Enjoy!
