Making a goal of editing is tough. It seems especially difficult with our current situation. When I started CampNaNo and decided to edit through 25K words I thought that was a lot. But last night I surpassed my goal and yet have another 25K to go through. So I am making another goal on the CampNaNo website. Still it was miraculous for ME to finish my goal at the half month stage. I had hoped to get some writing done this month but that rewrite and finish to the story will have to be put off until May. The thing is, meandering through the Pandamapocalypse document looking for grammar and spelling issues I am seeing bits that mean to be rewritten, eliminated, or simply moved to different parts of the story. Best of all, maneuvering around within the plot and overall manuscript makes me happy. I still like the idea of the book and how it is going. I sure hope someday to let others enjoy the fun I have had with all of my Haven series including this latest issue.

The magic of Hulu has kept me sane lately. If you want a background show that is funny or ignorable, watch Staged with David Tenet and Michael Sheen. Warning this may have strong language. As I said, this plays excellent in the background and doesn’t demand my attention like music.

I just finished watching all of Staged and left Hulu on and it put on Miranda. I have watched that series before and I loved it so much! This second watch is mirth incarnate!

For my fellow Grey’s Anatomy friends: Does Ellen Pompeo have the best job ever? Meredith Grey gets to sleep or be on the beach with old friends. And being paid for it! I want to be her when I grow up!

I am so happy with the way Shonda Rhimes is handling the COVID19 crises and how the emergency medical teams are dealing with all that is happening these days.

Okay that is all I can find swirling around in my mind to meander.
