Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “oop.” Find a word with the “oop” sound in it and use it in your post. Enjoy!

Oops! (As I’m sure most who are playing with this prompt start, how can we not?) It is nearly midnight and I still haven’t gotten my blog out. AGAIN! I refuse to read anyone else’s until I write mine as I don’t want to even accidently copy someone else. I did peek at a friend’s blog but felt I had cheated. Still it was nice to visit another’s blog world.

Since this is a ‘stream of consciousness’ I was playing with the thought and it because creak of unconsciousness. Because as I start one of these, my brain seems blank. Oompa Loompas do the orange dance in there. I could use caffeine but it is too late at night.

Well, I’m proud of me anyway. I did spend a good portion of my day editing. But, and dare I use this twice? Oopsies! (there I changed it!) I felt completely useless. Have you ever had a large amount of print to copy and paste but the computer won’t do large pieces like that? Well, that copy/paste situation got crazy as the copied wasn’t the whole of it. So a lot of got messed up. So uncooperative! (Hey! A word that has both U and oop!) Some parts looped back and recopied themselves. So most of the day I set up new scenes and paste bits to them. This way I can move the bits around to get a better flow. So no word-count but progress anyway.

Looming new socks while the weather got gray and gloomy proved unsatisfying. For some reason the yarn kept knotting up where it shouldn’t, so frogging will happen tomorrow.

I finished the reward game of the week: Mystery Case Files: The Black Veil. I didn’t like it like I do Ravenhearst. Maybe it is because after midnight I don’t feel like solving puzzles. I just want to unhide the hidden pictures. I’ll try it as a daytime diversion one day and see if I like it better then.

The newest Audible I’m listening to at night is science with a sense of humor. I have a hard time putting the Kindle away. It’s called How to Die in Space. My daughter recommended it. It is quite clever. I would have loved this author as one of my teachers.

Twenty minutes until midnight. It is suppose to snow tonight. And here I thought we were nearing spring! The weather is uncooperative with the calendar! My shoulders droop at this, but–Oops! Midnight is Looming!