Zero! Same as ‘The End!’ That is what I reached in my editing last night. The End. What that meant is that on November 30, just before midnight, I claimed the word count. Looking at that count, I have 78,390 in the story. I think that is quite respectable. And ALL of it is story and not journals of me complaining of having another case of writer’s block or other such excuses when zip and zilch play in my head. That usually happens mid-month. I see the end of the tale and know I have a lot to plot out yet. But I just finished a month editing the whole book and still love it. I just have much more to do to wrap up all the ends. So more writing and editing this next month.

One of the cool things in this book is three different zoos! Who expects that in an adult fantasy/sci-fi? Two are on Earth. One of those many will know. L. A. Zoo. But on a different timeline. One on Haven. And one hidden that most people don’t know about. Sh!

My favorite character is finding herself in a Twilight Zone of sorts. I’m still trying to find her way out for her. Maybe I can bring back Zihna or Zella from previous books. Or just Lizzy or Azz from the current book will find the answer. Actually, that would be good! Lizzy is the main character of this book, and Azzy is her mother. Hmmm.

Is anyone playing with the Anchor program? I am liking the idea of making my website easier for folks like me or worse off than me. Most websites are hard to read. My eyes burn. I love my friends that I’ve made here on WordPress, but I can only surf my friend-blogs for a few minutes a day. Maybe if I could rest my eyes and listen to the site, I could catch more of them? Anyway, my idea is to take book one and start reading it aloud. It sounds scary. But I think if I pretended to read to my kids (in their 40s and wouldn’t put up with it now) or my pets (who don’t seem to care one way or another, just make sure to stroke the fur with the grain!) I’m going to start tomorrow night after midnight. Let’s hope I can keep my brain from going fuzzy.

Zombies are coming up on almost everyone’s blogs today. So I guess I need to address The Walking Dead. I have to admit that I love the original show. I like some of the characters on Fear of the Walking Dead. Yet World Beyond is so dull to me! My favorite show is The Talking Dead. I love the memorial they present for all lost in the previous episode.

Chat it up, Dar! You know you are only putting off writing your book! Zapping me with a zany zapper won’t get the job done. And, no, you already had fun on Zoom today. And there are hours until the zzzz.

This has been a fun romp through the a to z challenge! Thank you for the prompts!