The above socks sans cuffs are among many projects not finished this week. Three days of appointments, two of which were out of town (two hours each way), kept me from my usual machinations. I had to look up that word. I’ll stick with it as it might make those who know me have a giggle. There are no evil schemes afoot—just my knitting, writing, and editing.

Dare I say this? COVID19 has made doctor visits more efficient. I take along
reading material and knitting for those sitting times. So far, that hasn’t happened
at all. Walk-in. Temp check. Empty room with empty chairs to fill out forms.
Then call to a solitary room—everyone with masks and lots of hand sanitizer. I
felt safe, and the jobs were done quickly and like a well-oiled machine. And no
uncomfortable waiting in a room of ill people. It is as though they have
figured out how to take care of individuals. I think that is a good thing. Now,
will they be able to maintain the good when things go back to ‘normal?’

Still, no time to sit and read or edit or knit or write while waiting.
Talking with my husband and singing happened. Those don’t have a finish line,
do they? I hope not. Well, soon enough, I will have new eyes, and I will be
able to read real books. I miss the tree books!

Well, back to knitting as I watch Doctor Who. Did you know that the first of
Christopher Eccleston’s Who is on HBO Max? He was my first Doctor Who. Though
David Tenet is my favorite. Had better writers been used, Jodie Whittaker would
have been. The actress did the best she could with what she was given.

By the way, if the URL shows up in the podcast, I’m sorry. I’m still
learning how to do this.