I’m here with the same unfinished pair of socks as last week. Wow! Who knew I would get so little done? I did add an inch or so to the ankle and have halfway finished the cuffs.

This week has gone very fast. Every task I set up for myself got side railed and remains to be finished. I’m still learning about podcasting and now have a mic. I have a stand to hold my phone as I record. But the table and area I plan to do it all still remains a chore. But the excitement of getting it started and reading aloud to friends. Or getting to know how I will overcome the stage fright, and social anxiety, scares me. Yet seems the thing to do. So tomorrow the table will be readied, and I’ll figure a way to read while I still have the cataracts. And still no appointment for the surgery. I have excitement in me for the first time in a long time. And I’ll probably finish these socks tomorrow.

Happy Friday!

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