This sweetie scared me to tears this morning. He’s been more vocal than usual. He sounds like a newborn when he cries.

Suddenly he was on the table drooling and running in circles. He fell off the table and still drooling and more chasing his tail, then suddenly he was on the floor seizing.

I thought for sure he was dying. He’s my buddy! No!

Then he calms down. I called the vet and they asked us to bring him in.

He has had a bad tooth infection. So we figured it was back.

Teddy loves to ride in cars. He came to us as a kitten.

My son’s girlfriend was driving from Garden Grove to Reno. She chose to drive at night. Less traffic, cooler. Just as she got into the car this ginger kitten jumped in.

It was too late to see who he belonged to. She did have her mom call around and never found his owner.

He loved the trip. She bought a kitty litter, food and water for him at a pit stop.

He loved the moving trip here five years ago.

I tried to find the picture couldn’t find it. Sorry.

Anyway, he loved the trip to the vet today, in spite of his pain. 

The vet said he declined the butt-temp check, he declined the check for the the bad tooth, and he declined the poke for hydration. I think that was kind for he wasn’t about to have any of that!

The vet did manage to give him an antibiotic shot that should last two weeks and she gave us some pain killer if he should be in pain.

The trip home was so nice as he loved watching the world go by or nap.

Now we’re all home and ready to sleep.