Well, not for me necessarily.  In fact, my day ended looking like this.

For Teddy, it was a horrid day that has lasted 24 hours. After a long trip
in the car (four hours) and a stressful time at the vet, he was tired. So he
slept until I finally started to get to sleep at 1 AM. At that point, he
started drooling again. Chris got up to give him the pain meds. Not one I like
the idea of. Gabapentin.

They told me to video the subsequent seizure so they could tell more about
it. So I got up to follow The Tedster around. He vocalized his unhappiness with
the world for a couple hours. I swear he likes to pace and chat. He told me
about Mariah. Said a lot more things, and sometimes it felt like he said,
‘Anyways.’ So maybe he likes Ms. Carey’s Christmas albums or something? By the
time he was circling the coffee table, it wasn’t so loud as a constant chat. He
finally had said enough. He hopped up onto my lap and fell asleep. 4 AM. I’d
listened and given the support that whole time. I was exhausted. But getting up
from the chair was nearly impossible as tired as I was.

I managed to get back to bed. Wow! Having pets is more challenging sometimes
than having human baby newborns! Or maybe that’s why Septuagenarians don’t have

My son and I managed to get in a bit of walk. We didn’t make the mile
because Kali got tired. I nearly had to drag her home. We stopped as she caught
her breath. I gave her water. But she didn’t drink. We got back home, and she
crashed on the couch. So I guess she’s next to see the vet. She doesn’t run out
of energy. This is odd. Maybe Teddy kept her awake, too?

Well, maybe I should take the hint and go to bed while I can!

sleep glasses