First the TaDa:

KB fine-gauge Flexee 20 links. Tie-up starting with Kitchener cast-on. German short-row heel. Cuff two-by-two purl/knit. Stretchy cast-off. Now passed on to charity.

Now the Teddy update.

As you may have noticed, I have many names for this feline, and he reenacts them all at will. Saint Theodore. That’s when he does a CAT scan and finds my hurty spots and purrs it away. It works like a miracle. Not for others in the house, but for me, it is true. Then there’s Teddy, the Terrorist. That is the demon that has decided we can’t have nice things. No matter how many scratching posts or pads we get, he chooses the arms of the furniture, even the newest chair. It’s embarrassing to have scratched up furniture, but he’s the one in charge of our Feng Sui. Teddy the terrific: That’s the one that is having zoom meetings down the hallway. No, not the kind people have. The kind of crazy cats and dogs have running around to show their joy of life. After three days of antibiotics on board, and Tedster seems back to his original multi-personable self. I’m so happy he’s back! And the plus is that he is quite talkative now, and he hasn’t been since he was a kitten. I’m so delighted!