Last time I saw this picture was in July last year. Oops! I haven’t colored in a long time! But today I finished using pens and crayons. I didn’t like the story they presented. I have a Marina in my latest Haven book so I rewrote the bottom. Which is nudging me to make the next story about Marina. I really like her and I think she has a lot to offer. My Marina has short blonde hair but I suppose she enjoys wigs or can grow it out now that she has been gene-popped with the other Havenites.

So now I have the beginnings of an outline for JuNoWriMo! Thank you Linda, for tickling the muses and getting me back to enjoying the escaping!

Here’s the next pic in that book. I hope I can hit this before mid-month for a change! It really helps to play with the crayons and colors!

I don’t like the idea of swords or knights or other things attacking my dragons, but this may well happen in the next book! Woe be to those who attempt to kill my Haven dragons!

Thank you, Linda G. Hill, for this fun prompt. I am always happy when I join in the fun of the Escapist Coloring Club