Yarn is one of my favorite words. I love words that have multiple definitions. You all know how much I love knitting, loom knitting, and crocheting. Yarn can just be a soft skein. Or it can be something already made. A sock or a a new sweater. And then, if the item isn’t done well enough it can be torn apart and made into something else. What a wonderful substance it is!

But it is also the fun of a tale. Of a story untold made into something woven with layers of characters of development and world building. I like to call myself Dream Yarner as I love to weave with drifting between soft places to land.

I also think of timelines of real life touching my past and future and the full reality threaded together in a yarn that knits family and friends in my life and the softness of love.

Per Linda G. Hill:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “yarn.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!