My music/hobby studio is nearly complete. At least the piano is where it needs to be and most of the music books and things are situated. And knitting gear (because the knitting has no home yet) are in the place I want them to be. I even sat and practiced, actually played something over and over until I got it right, and then played some more. Yay! Me! The lighting is good. There is an overhead light and one for over the shoulder. The sound is good there and I feel better not being parked next to my son’s bedroom. I wish I were soundproof but whatever.

Oh, and the–whatever this piece of furniture is called– is now in the entryway of the living room. It will be cleaned out and filled with things like scarfs, gloves, hats and the like. The masks are on top.

Oh, those are portraits of my brothers and me as kids. And that was the flag I received for my vet dad when he passed I think that was a decade ago. I do miss him.

The basket next to the–whatever that piece of furniture is called–will be cleared out for boots and shoes, etc. To the left of that piece of furniture is a small hat tree. I want to make another longer one in the open wall to hang our coats.

My brother, son, husband and I worked very hard getting the furniture moved and in the new homes. Today started the going through the mountain of boxes we created while moving things around. We felt like we were playing Tetris sans the fun but irritating music!

The vlog studio still needs work but we are seeing more progress, No picture it or of the dining table that though it has been cleared is surrounded by mount boxes. But hey, that is a lot done for a bunch of retired and disabled people!

Hope you all had a Fantastic Friday and have a great weekend!

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