I’m back to What Day Is It Anyway.

I totally forgot it was Monday until 8:30. Shoot! I missed the writers group zoom, again!

The day started with my doctor appointment. Guess what? I lost 17 pounds now. Bad news? I had hoped for 20.

I have to go back tomorrow to get my toe x-rayed. It’s still discolored and hurting.

We got to 100. Ugh! Expecting 104 tomorrow. Then a downward trend hitting the high 90s the rest of the week.

Watched Alone on Netflix. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m9CiTagKvJo

Sorry that the URL is all you get. I haven’t figured out how to bring the YouTube to my blog page when on my phone.

I try to watch shows that have snow in them. It sort of helps. Alone is in the Arctic. That should do it!

While doing Duolingo, (oh! I just hit 700 days!) and writing this I had Day After Tomorrow playing on Amazon Prime.

Has anyone noticed the sound difference between the networks? For example, even with the volume on at 100% we can barely hear Netflix. While Amazon Prime I had to turn down to 60%.

Even between ABC and Animal Channel a big difference. Weird!

Time to toot the recorder and tickle the keys before bed

You all keep cool and safe!