Remember the goal of CampNaNo writing and editing? I haven’t forgotten. I just couldn’t deal with the laptop or heat from laptop. Since I’ve been writing the blogs on the cell lately, I decided to see how I could write on my smaller gadgets.

Well, I do use a system using my Fire to do what I can’t do on the phone.

I don’t know how others do it but to post  a YouTube, picture and all, I need to copy and paste URLs. If I try from the phone I end up with just the URL no picture. On my Fire, on the internet, I do the same thing and get a picture.


Anyway, as I get ready to take my little trip, I knew I would want to write and edit for CampNaNo. I spent today organizing Word for my cell. I made sure I could access my writer project through a couple ways. And I learned the mobile version of Word will read to me. For my poor eyes that is a blessing!

So, there’s a task done and so, no matter what, I can blog or write! Yay!

My company comes tomorrow!!! Many tasks set for the morning! So grateful that the next two days are to be cooler. It was supposed to be 98 today but I don’t think we hit 95. Tomorrow and Thursday predicted temperatures 95. Let’s hope it never gets out of the 80s!

Time for music playing then on to bed.