Fusion MagicFusion Magic by Lucia Ashta
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was the end of the series. May I say I am relieved? Too many tensions of life-threatening issues, vampires, etc. Too much co-dependent romance. At least it didn’t leave me on a cliff this time.

I like the idea of a mermaid who is part angel. How would that work? Wouldn’t it be fun to see her discover fun things she can do that her family and friends can’t? But it seems that the only way this being discovers her abilities is when in danger.

Though I was not too fond of the plot, I liked the way Lucia Ashta tells a story. So I have Seasoned Magic on my currently reading to start when I have a moment. At least it is about midlife women instead of young beauties. Ugh, I get tired of that!

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