Making music. My housemates and neighbors may disagree.

My free classes ended last Thursday. It was fun having a Zoom class making progress through elementary music.

I am a music major so I can read music,  no problem.  Well, except for the eyes that have problems seeing. But recorder music is only one line. As opposed to four or more in piano music. So recorder is easier.

Without the black and white keys I have had to learn finger positions. Seems easy enough. Except fingers, my fingers are short and have a hard time reaching.

Maintaining breath while hitting the notes and trying to keep time present challenges.

Any of you who had to take recorder classes in school might remember the screeching noises of the soprano recorder.

So I am attempting to learn the alto, too. I love it’s rich smooth sounds. But my hands hurt after more than few minutes playing.

All the music time cuts my knitting time. So the socks are just two inches from being done. Maybe this week they’ll be complete.

What are you making?