Weezles and Heffalumps

No. I guess I was wrong. These guys are who I meant.

One wee mistake trying to stream my consciousness.

This is a weekly prompt that happens on the first day of the weekend. Just let the sweetness flow between the ears.

What you come up with may be bittersweet. Or look like you’ve been smoking that weed the kids, (babyboomers) have been talking about.

Sweeping my brain just makes me weep. Maybe if I’m lucky I can tweeze out a teeny-weeny cartoon or two. Alice knew.

Or an awful insect that swarmed my Zoom cereal.

Wait. Have I just streamed full circle? No that was weezle, oops, woozle, not weevil. But now I have


Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “wee.” Use the word “wee” or find a word that contains it and use it in your post. Have fun!