Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “where.” Use it any way you’d like!

Where Was I 20 years ago? Well, the train ride into work was weird. They were saying things like how those who were going to transfer to the L.A. train probably should look for another ride. I wasn’t a social commuter. I read and eventually wrote on my Palm Pilot keyboard during the hour long ride.

As I strolled down the aisle between gray motes called work stations, I noticed one co-worker had a small television on and a group of workers looking. I glanced and saw what I thought was a special effect in a movie and moved on to my desk. Then I started hearing some say they needed to go their relative worked there. What? Where? Irvine, CA became a scary place for me. I was an hour from home, by train.

Once the coworker with the TV told me what happened, the bosses came through and told us all to go home. It seemed New York had reached us in southern California.

We were off for several days. The train ride was never as fun as it had been before. Everyone was scared as to what might happen next. I think it was the beginning trigger of a huge depression for me. There were other things that happened that made it worse but that’s anther story I don’t think belongs here.

After the fear of the moment the pride in our fellow heroes who rose above the crazies. That was when I found pride in the country where I live. I wish we could still have that unity we had then. Where is the love? Where?
