The Walking Dead, Vol. 17: Something to FearThe Walking Dead, Vol. 17: Something to Fear by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really wish I could have read this before the television series. I kept relating to a couple of episodes that this issue contains. On the show, this was the hardest one to deal with. As it was, it was pretty horrendous with all the blood and guts, just different.

Negan says the same things and does the same things. Oh, Negan!

What is interesting about this series, either the TV or the comic versions, is seeing how people adapt to a world without society’s rules over the years. Survival looks differently to each individual, and you choose the tribe you feel reflects you and keeps you safe. Watching it through the filter of COVID19 and how that has separated our tribes show that Robert Kirkman understood a lot more than a comic book writer should. The story is great written, drawn, or acted out.

I can’t wait until I can afford my next one.

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