I had to miss yesterday. I went to town (two hours away) to get an upper GI procedure done. I barely got 400 words before I left and had no energy when I got home for anymore. So today, I had to play catch up. My friend and I are finding when we get together on Zoom, we are reasonably productive. We do a bit of a chat but then get right to it. Sometimes we talk about our projects and somehow, bringing the story to light seems to give us a push. This is her first year in a long time that she’s felt up to NaNoWriMo. But she’s being gentle and keeping it accessible for herself to feel good about it. Her goal is 25K, and she is going great guns. I love hearing about her story.

My own story is coming along. It surprises me that the story that started out as a bunch of drawings for #Inktober. Yet the characters feel as real as if they lived in this house with me. Anyway, Crystal now has 26,873 words that make me just a smidge ahead of today’s count.

Oh, the pickles that Crystal and her friends get up to!

Knitting still continues. I think I will have a hat finished in the next few days. I can say, happily, that the mohair is finally gone!

I also have two pairs of socks in the making. This one is ahead of the race. I like to work on them two at a time, so they stay the same length as their mate. This one is for a male, so the heel will be another four inches from here.