I have to admit to getting the blues from Facebook and my cloud-sharing memories. Since we moved to Christmas Valley, we have enjoyed the snow.❄️It flurried on Halloween. We looked the Hallmark Thanksgiving with snow on the proper day. Then there had been my birthday snow. A kindness that didn’t show the birthday that my daughter and partner brought Kali to me. (Wow, four years ago.) And Christmas never disappointed. Hallmark wished they knew Christmas Valley!

Then last year, as if isolation wasn’t enough, the snow was stingy. This year it seemed almost as wrong. But on my birthday I got flurries. 😁

Yesterday, I decided to try my Diamond Painting. My friend sent me a Doctor Who. So I spent the day transferring the gems to the organizers. I had Pandora on the Bing Crosby Christmas music and Audible playing Les Miserables.

My brother heard the Christmas music playing, ‘Let It Snow’ 🌨️ and decided it was time to put up the trees. Knowing Rosey will be tearing it down as often as gravity demands, it is what it is today. Sorry. I’ll try to take a nighttime picture.

Notice outside? Yep! That is what gave us the energy.


It’s windy now, but another batch of snow is on its way!




What is wrong with this picture? No mailboxes on homes in Christmas Valley. Drive (or walk as we used to before the truck) 7miles to the post office.