What is this Gobbledygook? “Dogs and cats living together” <— A quote as I remember from Ghostbusters. But yet here it is as I documented this morning. Maybe so much rigamarole. I don’t know. See for yourself.

Teddy and Kali on a quiet Sunday morning.

I don’t think there’s a natural hatred between the two species. I do know if either animal appreciates the sudden intrusion of the other. But most nights they share my bed. And do so in such a way to leave an inch or two for the human. How do they, such smallish creatures, manage to take over? Maybe it isn’t Gobbledygook! Maybe they are looking for global domination?

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 2nd, 2020, is “gobbledygook.” Use the word “gobbledygook” any way you’d like. Have fun!