Not quite as candy corn as the last hat. And I think the orange mohair is gone.
The white brim yarn is chenille. It’s a folded brim. I think it will keep someone’s ears warm. It was tough to work with. The mohair was sift but full of static electricity.

The decreased crown was accomplished most easily on the KB Flexee fine-gauge loom. This hat is now heading for charity. I know I’ve shared the YouTube before. But just in case, here it is again. Sadly I had to play yarn chicken as I ran out of the orange just when finishing.

The Sunset on the Beach is nearly finished. By next Friday I will be working on a dragon.

During the Embrace Your Weird (Felicia Day) session we were given a prompt. Write a story starting each sentence with the next letter of the alphabet. The first sentence starts with ‘A,’ last sentence ‘Z.’

I changed it up. 😋 my inspiration was Valentine’s Day’s Bitmoji.

Ascending as always

Blessings by ballooning Betsy

Cruises carelessly

Charging chubby cherubs

Darting, dashing, doing,

Ever elusive, enormous emergencies

For forlorn, forgotten favors

Given graciously-

Gritted gifts-gamed

However handled,

HER history

Imagine icicles issued in ignorance,

Jumping jack jealously jerking

Kite kept kisses

Loosed lightning love-lint

Meant mostly mush

Needed nearly, noted necessary

Openly optimistically obtainable

Positively popped prayers

Quietly quenched

Research received respite

Safely settled sheltered sanity

Together this time,

Target tagged.

Unusually ushered, ultimately used

Valentines, virus, violent visions vanquished

With wonder, wishes wafted, wrangled, washed, woes


You yell YES!


Heavens to Betsy