After sealing one of my dragon diamond paintings, I found a need to do something while listening to my newest Libby. I remembered a few years before we moved I had gathered plastic bags. I took the time to fold them so they would be ready to start cutting the strips. Today seemed like a good day to get some plarn going. Here’s my process.

Here’s the plastic bag folded.
Cut off handles.
And bottom.
A stack of bags detopped and debottomed.
Tops and bottoms heading for the trash.
Lined up folded bags under strip cutter. I run the rotary blade up an inch apart.
This creates a bunch of flat loops ready to link up.
Loop one opened
Create this knot by placing loop B over loop A. Reach under the conjunction. Pull end of loop B under loop A and through the middle of loop B. Now gently pull. This creates a little knot.

Keep looping and soon there is a ball of plarn to knit or crochet

I still have a lot of bags to process into plarn. Unlike when I first started recycling plastic bags, when bags needed to be recycled, now there are fewer bags due to laws. So I’m planning to be more conservative with what I have.

I’ll let you know how I decide to use my new plarn.

Happy Sunday!