Hope you had a wonderful three-day weekend and celebrated a thoughtful, safe Labor Day, for those here in the states. And for those elsewhere, I hope you had a great few days.

It is Fall here. 94-100 degrees during the day but leaves are littering the porch and driveway proving a huge drop at night. We have hit high 30s (F)! Can you believe it? Really, this time I’m ready to let go of what used to be my favorite season. With no chance to swim and overwhelming flies and moths, bring on the chill!

So what are my latest WIPs? Many will look familiar but believe it or not, much progress has happened.

This is new. I’m trying HiyaHiya Fliers to make a small sock. These are the sharpest thinnest needles I’ve ever worked with. I really want to learn this. I have to try in small bits. This is soft thin yarn so not the best for socks but easy on my hands as I learn.
This may look like no progress but I had to frog my last try so I’m actually 4 rows beyond where I was before. I’ll probably finish the cuff tonight by bringing up the loops attached to the markers to to pegs.
So these scrappy yarn slipper socks are my least favorite project. The acrylic yarn too thick to work on these fine-gauge looms. But I think they’ll be warm for someone.
These two look familiar, too. I’ve made no progress to the hat on the Flexee fine-gauge, on the left. I’m wanting to do the crown decreases at the same time. I had to frog the needle-knit hat on the right. As of today,  I’m two inches from the crown decreases. Maybe tomorrow?
Almost to the halfway point on my diamond painting, Starry Night. Sitting in the new office chair is far easier on my back and arms than the piano bench. I picked up some cheap sets on Wish that we’ll be getting from the post office tomorrow afternoon. I’ll let you know how good or bad it is.
I finished diamonding both sides of the mobile. Tomorrow I’ll seal them and figure out how the chains and jewels work for hanging. I hope they catch the sun rays through our north-facing living room windows.

I’m feeling much better having crackled my back by moving pillows. It quit hurting. The bladder infection seems gone. No more pain. No temp. Here’s what I took besides drinking tons of water.

What are your WIPs? Oh, and