Your prompt for JusJoJan January 19th 2023, is “complaint.” Use the word “complaint” any way you’d like. Have fun!

The prompt is brought to us by John. Thank you, John! Please be sure to visit John’s blog .

I have a few complaints. I’m still working on Christmas gifts. There has been so many mistakes, tinking back or like today, total frogging due to the learning curve. I’m trying to learn to knit Toe-up, Two At A Time socks on long cable needles. Here’s what I had finished up to before the frog. Nearly to the heel.

But the increase stitches went too far making the socks too large across.

Hey boyfriend’s socks

On their fourth attempt, are looking comfy. No complaints here, except it feels it is taking forever.

Valentine’s day may be the new Christmas. By the way, I have 4 other pairs of socks in progress. Maybe I’ll share them tomorrow.