The prompt word for January 23rd is “paintbrush.” Thanks go to Paula for the colourful prompt! Please be sure to check out Paula’s blog here!

For Just Jot it January, click the following link to see how you, too, can join in! It’s fun!

The flowers of Indian paintbrush are edible, and were consumed in moderation by various Native American tribes as a condiment with other fresh greens. These plants have a tendency to absorb and concentrate selenium in their tissues from the soils in which they grow, and can be potentially very toxic if the roots or green parts of the plant are consumed. Highly alkaline soils increase the selenium levels in the plants. Indian paintbrush has similar health benefits to consuming garlic, though only if the flowers are eaten in small amounts and in moderation.[10]  Found on Google. I think Wikipedia

When I saw the prompt, the first thing that came to mind were camping trips.

Every year my parents to us kids on a three week vacation. Usually camping. It was what they could afford. And for me they were great memories.

Some of the sites we went to had campfire chats or day hikes where they taught us flora and fauna of the area.

I remembered them talking about this plant. Somehow the part I remember was that it was also called Indian laxative. Looking at what I shared from Wikipedia, it might not be the plant that did the job. Maybe they were introduce at the same take and it all mixed in my head. But you can imagine what went through my head as I recalled the plant pictured above.😂

I think that the plant I’m actually thinking about has a shiny, waxy leaf. Well, don’t rely on me to help forage 60 years later.