The Woman With the CureThe Woman With the Cure by Lynn Cullen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Have you ever wondered about the vaccines for polio? I remember lining up for shots in grade school. I think those were for smallpox, where they left a big scar by poking your arm repeatedly. Then we went to another school as a district to get sugar cubes. We had already gotten shot for polio, but I guess we needed the other one, too. What do I know? I was a kid.

This book was good as it gave me more of a history of the polio vaccines. We get to know the scientists. We meet the woman who might have had the most to do with this nearly sacred health benefit of baby boomers.

Hillary Huber (Narrator) made this story come to life. She played each character with distinction.

The author wrote a good story though it was full of duplication. The most annoying for this pianist was hearing Moonlight Sonata mentioned repeatedly. I don’t mind it as a piece. I love playing it, but there had to be other pieces of music you could have thrown into the story.

Overall, it was a good story to listen to.

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