Jurassic ParkJurassic Park by Michael Crichton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Okay, I’m late in reading these. I am a huge fan of the movies.

Usually, I like reading the book first before watching the film version. But I just didn’t get around to this one before memorizing the series’ first few movies. And that sadly gave me an up. I knew what needed to happen.

But the shows are better. I am so glad they rewrote the shows to tell a more friendly bunch of main characters. I don’t want to give spoilers if you haven’t read the books, but there were shockers. And now I feel I must read the next book in the series.

I do enjoy the writing of Michael Crichton. Yeah, I’m a newbie to his work.

Scott Brick gave a sense of authority to the science of the topic and acted most of the characters with gusto. But females were not done as well, sounding a bit demeaning. But overall, he kept the story interesting.

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